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Monday, 14 January 2013

what is subfiles in rpgle

According to IBM, a subfile is a group of records that have the same record format and are read from and written to a display station in one operation. As the term suggests, a subfile is not a file; rather, it is a temporary place to store data of the same format to be used by a display file program.
Why Use Subfiles?


A subfile is a display file where you can place a listing of values and process changes on the list. The list of members that you can see in the PDM is an example of a subfile.


Subfiles can be specified in the DDS for a display-device file to allow you to handle multiple records of the same type on the display. (See Figure 187.) A subfile is a group of records that is read from or written to a display-device file. 

A group of records that have the same record format and are read from and written to a display station in one operation. As the term suggests, a subfile is not a file; rather, it is a temporary place to store data of the same format to be used by a display file program.. 

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